The smallest apartments

September 12, 2007 at 3:28 am 1 comment

If your dorm room is small, just take a look at a few of these places that Ellen went to visit in New York City.  Make sure you get a better towel rack than the first girl had  in her room.  It made for a good laugh though.

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Soft Dorm Room Furniture

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Annie  |  January 20, 2008 at 1:52 am

    Thanks for leaving me a comment. If you aren’t using that dishwasher, I will gladly buy it from you. 😀 Actually, the hubby and I pondered buying one, and I started feeling like a sloth for not having the energy to do them on my own. I’m stronger than that, so even if they sit on my counter for a day, or two, or a week, or two (lol) I still get the ambition to do them. My laundry, on the other hand, is enough to scare me. I must have 12 loads in my laundry room that have been taken out of the dryer, and tossed on a couch. Yes, there’s a couch in my laundry room, long story. None of it is folded, and it all needs to be taken care of. I think I need to hire a maid, but it would come down to the dishwasher thing revisited. It would make me feel like a sloth, and I just can’t have that!

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